Here is how to become an Mpesa agent in Kenya by opening a shop and make profit.

How To Become Mpesa Agent In Kenya, Start M-Pesa Shop & Make Profit


Do you want to know the registration process and how to become Mpesa Agent in Kenya?

We got you covered.

Yes, you can start an Mpesa agent shop in Kenya and make a huge profit with your business.

Considering the enormous successes of the Safaricom M-Pesa product in Kenya and many other parts of the sub-region, many people want to become Mpesa agents.

But how can you become an Mpesa agent in Kenya, and what are the requirements for achieving that goal?

Keep on reading as we explain all the details that you will need to do open your M-Pesa shop.

Safaricom is one of the biggest Mobile Network Operators in Africa.

No doubt about that.

When it introduced Mpesa services in 2007, it opened the business opportunity of one to become an Mpesa agent.

Today, Safaricom has over 40,000 Mpesa agents, but that doesn’t mean it is an overloaded business opportunity.

Not at all!

Think of all the millions of registered M-Pesa users.

They all cannot walk to the few M-Pesa offices in the country.

So how do they make the numerous transactions?

This means there is a huge business opportunity for those who want to become agents.

One key thing to determine the success of your business as an Mpesa agent is where you locate the business.

Let me stress that again.

The location of your M-Pesa shop is KEY to your business becoming a successful one.

Read also: How to Change Safaricom Mpesa Registration Details.

How To Become Mpesa Agent In Kenya

Steps to become M-Pesa agent in Kenya

Steps To Start M-Pesa Agent Shop

To become an Mpesa agent is free. There are no charges, and all you need is to make an application to Safaricom making the request.

However, specific requirements should be met for you to qualify as an Mpesa agent.

This is not only in Kenya but in all countries where M-Pesa and other similar products operate.

Step 1. What Are The Requirements To Become An Mpesa Agent?

To become an M-Pesa agent, you must meet certain requirements to operate the shop.

Safaricom has set some requirements to be adhered to before they give authority to act as an Mpesa agent.

The following are the standard requirements by M-Pesa:

  • Be a registered Limited company
  • Have a Minimum of three outlets working under that registered Limited Company
  • The Limited Company should be in operation for the last six months

Having met the above requirements, you can think of these next requirements

NB: Safaricom reserves the right to change its terms and conditions at any time and by their own discretion, so the requirements listed here are just a guide.

Related Article: How To Register For M-Pesa In Kenya.

Step 2. What Is The Minimum Amount Required To Open M-Pesa Shop?

To start your operations as an Mpesa agent, you must prepare your pocket very well. The minimum money to invest is Ksh 100,000 per outlet.

It means you should have Ksh 300,000 to start operating as an Mpesa agent.

You will pay this money only after your application has been approved.

And by the way, a business of this nature with a high return on investment deserves the attention of any investor in this day and age of the Kenyan Economy.

The good news is that Safaricom allows you a period of one month after your application has been approved to go and get the money.

Otherwise, failure to pay the money on time will result in the revocation of your authority to operate.

What is more?

You need to work with staff and a reliable one for that matter.

Recommended reading: How To Shop Online On AliExpress And Pay With Mpesa In Kenya.

Step 3. Staff Requirements To Operate As An M-Pesa Agent

Safaricom takes it seriously as a precaution on whom to operate as an Mpesa agent.

If you want to employ someone to work for you, he or she should have completed secondary education and with valid KCSE certificate to prove.

For a business handling Ksh 100,000, it requires someone who is knowledgeable enough to operate the enterprise.

And what about someone with excellent customer service skills?

That will be an added opportunity for your business to soar to greater heights.

Read this guide too: How KCB M-Pesa Works.

Step 4. What Are The Technical Requirements To Be An M-Pesa Agent

Your M-Pesa shop should be set up in a way and manner that comply with standards.

There are also a set of technical requirements precisely laid out at the Safaricom Head office to make sure operations are done professionally.

Here are the technical requirements as prescribed for the M-Pesa agent:

  1. At least one computer with storage memory not less than 500 GB
  2. At least two persons carrying out the day to day operations
  3. The head office should be full time have internet connectivity with Safaricom acceptable speed
  4. At least one printer
  5. An official Email
  6. AN ETR machine
  7. Official head office mobile phone number

Other necessary equipment such as desks, chairs, pens, pay point and stationery

Read also: Step-By-Step Guide To Update M-Pesa Menu That Is Not Working.

Step 5. Mpesa Shop Premises Requirements

When you have met all the above conditions, you’re almost done.

Lastly, you are required to brand the premises you intend to use as your Mpesa agent outlet.

It is a must to do Safaricom Mpesa branding and Merchandise standards.

Safaricom will come to confirm you have done it the right way, and if they approve all is done correctly, you can commence the operations as an authorized Mpesa agent.

So you see, becoming Mpesa agent in Kenya is not that difficult.

You can start today and make money from the M-Pesa business.

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  1. SHAKOMBO BASHEE May 19, 2020
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